Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dailies - Audio [001]

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continuing continuity can conceivably be complex

Continuity, the reason for this blog, has fallen into disrepair.

I tried to promise myself that I would write everyday, an excerpt, a vignette, something. I've done little in 7 days other than gorge myself on cheap wine, cheap cheese and great bread, all wrecking havoc on my anal fissure as fruit has been a lacking dietary priority.

A friend at All You Can Eat blog has provided me with the necessary push in inspiration by attempting, and so far, following through with his own promise of artistic continuity.

Therefor, I have set aside an hour each day, as I wake, to draw upon the experiences of the day past. To either write one short, shitty vignette, draw one terrible left handed atrocity, to be known as a sketch or to record one short piano piece on my two octave nano midi.

All of these will be under the title -Dailies. enjoy.
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